I heard that prayer was supposed to help Christians feel better. Yet, - Bible Questions and Answers - Prayer Tents

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46. I heard that prayer was supposed to help Christians feel better. Yet, when I finish praying I feel worse than when I started. I try to follow the example of the Lord's prayer by praising God first, then asking for what I need, them giving thanks and asking for forgiveness. What am I doing wrong? I don't pray most days because I actually feel better after writing in a journal then praying to God. Sad really if you think about it. Thank you for your help.
Asked by: Female, 26-35, North America, Christian on January 5, 2022 12:20:00 pm



Thank you for the excellent question.

Since I do not know how you pray, let me share how you may pray incorrectly, leading to your frustrations.

In the Islamic faith, the prayers are fixed. They do it religiously five times a day. They feel that only their devotion to such actions leads to acceptance by God. Christians do not believe in such repetition, leading to our faith in our works. Instead, we believe in the grace of God and that we do NOT earn God's favor by what we do.

And that is the basis of prayer. It is not forced. We do not claim that we have done our part, so God has to pay us back.

Prayer is a conversation with God.

How do we hold a conversation with God? God gave us families, friends, and other Christian brothers and sisters to show us what relationships are like so that we may relate with God in the same way. Then prayer is akin to having conversations with our loved ones.

When we speak with a friend, sister, or mother, do we feel obligated to do so? I hope not. Then, are there times when conversations turn awry, or in your words, "worse than when (you) started?" Dialogue with loved ones can be like that, which is what relationships and proper prayers can be like.

To recap, be sure you are not praying out of religion. Jesus did not come to get us back to keep the law but free us from it (See Romans 5:20-21, Galatians 5:1). Then, recognize that prayers can lead to feeling worse as with any conversations we have with others around us.

Now, lastly, I applaud your joy in writing in journals. It doesn't necessarily need to be spoken with our mouths when it comes to prayer. It can undoubtedly be conveyed in our hearts in silence, and it can also be expressed in writing. If you enjoy writing, especially in a journal, perhaps you can dedicate a love journal to write to God regularly.

If you would like a practical guide on praying, I recommend "Dependence Prayer," a book with examples of prayer practices in Scriptures, their effects, and practical advice on how to pray.

Though prayers may make us feel worse or leave us with more questions at times, the same prayers can give us peace, excitement, and joy. Press into the journey of a relationship with God and enjoy where the conversation leads. Be sure to read the Scriptures asking God to guide you.

Please write back if I can help clarify anything.

Many blessings!

Answered by Dr. Sang Sur

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